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Aftershock: Everest and the Nepal Earthquake - Netflix


    Aftershock is a documentary based on a true story. The 2015 Nepal and Everest earthquakes and their aftermath examined the plight of people and deaths. That time was very troublesome for people. People lost their families and homes. Many people were left homeless. 9000 people died due to such calamity. Even the age-old buildings had collapsed and the city of Kathmandu looked like a battlefield. This natural calamity is also known as the second Gorkha earthquake.


Aftershock is a documentary based on a true story. The 2015 Nepal and Everest earthquakes and their aftermath examined the plight of people and deaths. That time was very troublesome for people. People lost their families and homes. Many people were left homeless. 9000 people died due to such calamity. Even the age-old buildings had collapsed and the city of Kathmandu looked like a battlefield. This natural calamity is also known as the second Gorkha earthquake.

Aftershock is divided into 3 episodes. It was discussed with those who survived. The 3 episodes deal with the events that took place in the 3 main areas of Nepal. The focus is on the difficulties faced by climbers on Everest. Those people say that they were very lonely and even scared to see the piles of dead bodies.

The second episode talks about Kathmandu. After the earthquake, the rescue team went out to rescue and search for people. As the buildings collapsed, many people were buried in them, searching for survivors. That time was very difficult. They were afraid that we would be able to find anyone alive.

The third episode deals with Langtang Valley. Which is located a little distance from the hilly area. The people who survived lived with the local people and the survivors also had a rate of when the explosion would happen again and whether they would survive again or not.

Thus, in these three episodes, it has been talked about what has happened in each area. And people are shown how to move on from the situation. All the damage that has been done in the aftershock has been shown very precisely. An effort has been made to convey as much information as possible to the people.

Some very raw footage was also found at that time. And photographs were taken of those who survived, taking information from them. It focuses more on Athena, an Israeli girl. In such a calamity, it is known what is the effect on the mentality of women and men.

The aftershock music is also very interesting. Music has been given according to each scene. In episode 3 of Langtang, a local man gave information about everyone who died in Langtang. Due to such a natural calamity, there was a huge loss.

The first episode of Aftershock is made very long. Because they were getting enough footage for that episode. And it has been tried to convey information to the people one by one. The first episode is 38 minutes long. So that some people also feel that the length of the episode is more. But it has detailed information.

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